An excerpt from the description of Heather provides a non-spoilery example: Description Porn: This is a basic element of the author's style.
The climax comes at the end of the preceding chapter as Heather reveals her gesture of remembrance. Dénouement: The last chapter is entirely dénouement.Said repercussions are still being felt a decade later. Death Fic: The story is all about the repercussions of a contestant's death.Tragedy ensues as the story diverges from the canon moments later.
#Fusionfall legacy total drama serial#
Death by Genre Savviness: A certain contestant, who happens to be a slasher flick buff, is convinced that the serial killer is just an actor hired for the challenge, so she doesn't try to defend herself. Dead Guy Junior: Heathers baby is to be named after her mother's late campmate. Dark Fic: The story is based on violent death, from comedic source material. The author's pen name is also a G&S reference. Creator Thumbprint: All of the authors stories, except for short vignettes, include at least one reference to a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. Chekhov's Gun: Heather's pregnancy is mentioned thrice in the first chapter, but doesn't become important until near the end. This is presumably why the show's staff used two-way radios. Cell Phones Are Useless: There is a reference to cell phone coverage in the vicinity of the camp being "spotty". But We Used a Condom!: Lindsay had an unexpected pregnancy with a longtime boyfriend despite presumably using some form of contraception on a regular basis. A winner-take-all final challenge is substituted. Anti-Climax: The show's producers scrap the final episode's scheduled jury vote in an attempt to avert a major anti-climax, as they can see that one finalist has only token support at best. All There in the Manual: The story page includes hyperlinks to supplemental information on ancillary topics, including the song that became the basis of Trent's tribute song. Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder: Ten years after the show, most of the couples are no longer together because they had come from all over Canada, so most lived too far apart to see each other regularly. Legacy provides examples of the following tropes: This story is a Death Fic, so you may encounter unmarked spoilers. Total Drama Island, by Gilbert and Sullivan. Other troped works by this author include: Interested parties can read the story here or here. Sum This Up In One Trope: For Want of a Nail